Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 317

Chapter 317


Chapter 317: Just Lucky


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Gong Zhan blinked, as if he were reminded again of the times when Gu Zi had given him gifts in the past.

Back then, Gu Zi had been just like that  conflicted, yet bravely approaching him, offering him the best of what she had.

Gong Zhan knew that he was about to be married, and accepting a gift from MO Li, was somewhat inappropriate.

But when he thought of Gu Zi from the past, he felt that he had no reason to refuse.

This MO Li didnt resemble Gu Zi, but like Gu Zi, she had a bit of cleverness about her, which he didnt mind now.

Because at least MO Li, like Gu Zi back then, truly admired him and loved him. What man would refuse a love offered so readily? That would be foolish.

His gaze fell on MO Li once more, searching for similarities with Gu Zi. He pretended to be puzzled and slowly asked, You havent been under my command for long, and youre already thinking about promotion and a raise?

MO Li shook her head in a fluster, her face reddening as she explained, No, Mr. Gong, I came to give you a wedding gift, to apologize for the damaging rumors about you. If you dont accept it, Im afraid I wont be able to face my colleagues I

As she spoke, she turned to leave, but Gong Zhan coldly called her back, Youre quite thoughtful, whats the gift?

MO Lis heart leaped with joy, but she maintained her earlier demeanor, turned back, and handed him the box, saying, Its a tie, I hope you wont find it distasteful.

Upon hearing the word tie, Gong Zhan felt a slight tickle in his heart. It was such a personal item.

He took the box from her, and MO Li knew her plan had worked once again. She feigned surprise, turned, and quickly left, nearly twisting her ankle in the process.

Gong Zhan watched her retreating figure for a long time before finally getting into his car with the gift box.

Uncle Yang wanted to say something, but remembering that he was ultimately just a subordinate, serving the Gong family, he held his tongue and drove away.

MO Li didnt regain her normal expression until she reached the main gate of the compound, revealing a triumphant smile and greeting the security guards as she left.

Because MO Li was Gong Zhans secretary and had a close relationship with Lin

Miao, she had mentioned Lin Miao a few times when delivering documents to Gong Zhan, so the security guards recognized her. She now had unrestricted access to the military compound.

MO Li believed that as long as she stayed close to Gong Zhan, she would one day have unrestricted access to the Gong family as well.

This unexpected event had benefited that fool Lin Miao, but it was just her good luck. She couldnt always be this lucky!

But no matter how clever MO Li was, she wouldnt know that due to Lin Miaos protagonist halo, Lin Miao might indeed always be this lucky.

In life, although ability is important, to put it in a mystical way, luck is also needed.

She didnt understand that some people just didnt have that kind of fate. She might not have the same luck as Lin Miao.

Meanwhile, Gu Zi and the others had already boarded the bus back to the village. Su Le was sleeping in Gu Zis arms. Gu Zi looked at her sleeping face, finding her more and more adorable, and kised her forehead.

Seeing her daughter treating Su Shens child with such sincerity, Mother Lin didnt think her foolish, but rather felt reassured.

Li Hua sat next to Gu Zi, staring at her for a long time, certain that MO Lis dressing style was very similar to Gu Zis.

She remembered that when she had glanced over at the shop entrance earlier, she really thought she had seen Gu Zi.

She said to Gu Zi, I think MO Lis dressing is strange. Its as if shes deliberately imitating you.

Gu Zi thought for a moment and came up with a possibility. Could MO Li have gotten close to Gong Zhan by doing this?

Gu Zi was almost certain now why MO Li had suddenly switched sides. Even if Lin Miao was foolish, she wouldnt be blind to MO Lis intentions after the office scandal. Its just that Lin Miao had no other choice now.

Thinking about this, Gu Zi felt quite happy.

After all, Lin Miao had taken that betrothal money and put her in a difficult position. Now seeing Lin Miao upset, Gu Zi had no reason not to be happy.

What Gu Zi didnt understand was, did the original author only consider giving the female lead a halo and not a brain when creating the characters?

Given the difference in intelligence between MO Li and Lin Miao, if the protagonists halo were removed, MO Li should be able to defeat Lin Miao easily, right?

The bus stopped at the village station. Gu Zi, holding the child, got off the bus.

When she reached the door of the Su family, she parted ways with Mother Lin..

